
The Christian & Social Responsibility is unavailable, but you can change that!

Was our Lord’s service social or redemptive? Does Christ not command social service to all men? Should we insist on justice because God is just, or deny our rights because God is longsuffering? How will the believer know which is the proper course of social action at a particular time? Should wealthy persons disperse their possessions? Dr. Ryrie addresses these and other pertinent questions in...

Basic to the question of what priority should be given to social action is the matter of what is included in the gospel. If the content of the gospel is evangelism, then social responsibility is not a part of it. If the gospel includes obedience, following Christ, bringing in the kingdom or at least living kingdom ethics now, then social responsibilities will definitely be a part of the gospel message. Usually the options are not stated so sharply. Many speak about the primacy
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